the burden of COVID-19 falls almost completely on the unvaccinated. The threat to children from the disease is almost 0 regardless of vaccination status, and even closer to literally 0 for those who are vaccinated. It’s also basically 0 for vaccinated adults too. According to an analysis by the AP, in May over 99% of COVID deaths were among the unvaccinated. I’m highly skeptical of long COVID as a serious enough problem to change the cost-benefit analysis, as most of the research on the topic I’ve seen has been extremely flawed, and we should be very doubtful that vaccines that stop almost all hospitalization and death can leave you with a substantial risk of getting a chronic condition that has not been conclusively established as a statistically meaningful problem yet.
I’m all for telling the CDC and public healthocrats where they can stick it. But I personally am in the frame of mind that I was in back in March of 2020. In particular, I am not doing in-person dancing for a while. We have a son-in-law who takes immuno-suppressive drugs and three grandchildren who are too young to be vaccinated. I would like to be able to get together with them with a clear conscience. Note that there was one case of a 5-year old who reportedly died of COVID, with the Washington Post eagerly reporting that this was in Trump country.
Zvi Mowshowitz, the Fantasy Intellectual Teams star who I trust much more than any public healthocrat, writes,
Deaths are going up slower than cases, but faster than one would have hoped.
I think that’s right. On a brighter note, he writes,
The big mystery remains why Delta suddenly peaked and turned around, first in India, and now in the UK and the Netherlands. These turnarounds are excellent news, and I presume we will see a similar turnaround at a similar point, but what’s causing them to happen so quickly? I don’t know.
I would be happy to see a rapid turnaround, but right now things are going in the wrong direction.
Further on, Zvi writes,
The other news here is that Pfizer plans to be calling for booster shots. It seems that a three dose regimen is much more effective than a two dose regimen, now that we’ve had the ability to test such things, and some places are moving to implement this already. The data here suggests that the third dose will bring things back to at least the early stage 96% effectiveness and plausibly even higher. If I am offered a third dose, I will happily accept it.
There is the concern that giving people third doses while others have not had the opportunity even for first doses is not ethical. I respect that perspective, but do not share it, and will leave it at that.
I say fire the head of the CDC and put Zvi in charge, and will leave it at that.