I talked about one area where we disagree and one area where we agree.
Let’s start with where we disagree. I take the conventional economic view in favor of international trade, and you differ.
Let me see if I can steel-man your argument. You say that American workers, as citizens of this country, should have a right to access to job opportunities that give them a decent way of life. If we are willing to have their family members go off to fight wars in the name of protecting the rest of us from terrorists, then we certainly owe them protection from having their jobs taken away by outsourcing to Chinese factories.
My counter will be that international trade is isomorphic with other economic actions that you are more likely to approve. Outsourcing to a factory in China and taking away a factory worker’s job is not very different from developing Uber and taking away a taxi driver’s job or a rental-car agent’s job.
Our prosperity comes from breaking production down into steps. When you break the process down into steps, you get more efficiency. This goes back to Adam Smith’s pin factory. Breaking a process into steps can involve what most economists call capital, but the Austrian economists use the term “roundabout production,” which I like. When a farmer uses a tractor instead of a horse to pull a plow, this is roundabout production–manufacturing the tractor becomes a step in the farming process.
International trade is another form of roundabout production. As David Friedman put it, one way to manufacture an automobile is to grow wheat, put it on a ship to Japan, and have the ship turn around carrying an automobile.
The process of breaking production down into steps is mind-boggling in its complexity. There are so many conceivable ways to break down a production process into different steps. How are we to know which is best? The answer is that the price system co-ordinates the process. Prices inform entrepreneurs about the costs of alternative patterns of specialization.
The profit system directs the evolution of the process. As new ideas are tried, the most efficient ones prove sustainable, as indicated by profitability. Less efficient patterns of specialization and trade are weeded out by losses.
Thus, progress proceeds by creative destruction. Ways of life that are tied to a particular step in the production process are bound to be undermined if a new production process emerges that is more efficient. A society cannot enjoy the benefits of economic progress without incurring the cost of job destruction. The market treats work as a bug, not a feature, and it tries to get rid of it.
Back to the comparison of outsourcing to a factory in China or developing Uber. You might be tempted to say that when Uber changes the process of providing people with car rides, at least it doesn’t use Chinese labor in the process. But is that really the case? For Uber to work, somebody has to take the step of adding computer and communications capacity, and that probably uses components imported from China. Consumers need smart phones in order to hail rides, and those phones are partially manufactured in China. And even if there were no Chinese workers involved in the steps to create Uber rides, would that be any consolation to the taxi drivers and rental-car agents who lose their jobs?
If you want to suggest policies for making economic progress less painful for people whose jobs are displaced, that would be very constructive. But insinuating that economists are engaged in a conspiracy to hide the truth about international trade isn’t constructive–it’s just scapegoating.
On the area where we agree, I said,
I’m more in agreement with you on what you call the DISC, which I believe stands for Distributed Information Suppression Complex. Although once again, it sounds a bit too conspiratorial for my taste, and I prefer to think of it in terms of an emergent phenomenon.
Think of life in academic research as consisting of two games. If you play Game One, you pose important questions within your field and try to answer them. If you play Game Two, you try to climb the ladder of prestige by participating in the latest fads and fashions and by ingratiating yourself to people who are in a position to help you get jobs and publication acceptances. Let me use the Game One, Game Two model to offer my take on the DISC.
1. I can imagine a world in which the strategies for playing Game One and Game Two are basically the same. When that sort of Divine Coincidence exists, you will see a very vibrant academic discipline.
2. I don’t think that anyone ever consciously chooses between playing Game One and Game Two. We just go with our instincts. When I was in grad school in the late 1970s, my instinct just happened to be to play Game One. But by that point in time in economics, the profession was selecting away from Game One types and in favor of particularly ruthless Game Two types.
[Note: As John Cochrane wrote recently,
Self-interest, for people to preserve hard-won human capital, and for institutions to support research that keeps them going, is a powerful explanatory force. Even if individuals do not respond to this incentive, and are all pure in their pursuit of ideas, selection is a powerful explanatory force. Economics is a good way to explain economics!
The Game Twoers of my era wrote dissertations on Rational Expectations Macroeconomics, which I thought was a dead end. Nothing that has happened since has changed my mind about that.
When I was on the job market, an assistant professor from Amherst came to MIT to interview all of us on the market that year. I gave him a copy of my job market paper, and I talked about it with him. He never offered me an opportunity to audition for a job at Amherst. But he did subsequently publish my exact idea, including a new term that I introduced, called “reputation price,” meaning the price that consumers would expect to see at a store based on their last purchase there. He published it in the Quarterly Journal of Economics, which has typically been a top-five journal, although at that time it was more in the 6-10 tier. No attribution to me of course. I was lucky just to get a version of my dissertation published in Economic Inquiry, a much lower-tier journal.
Why didn’t I go after the guy? My dissertation supervisor, Robert Solow, advised me not to. Even though I am still bitter about the Amherst guy (who got tenure), and bitter about Solow’s nonchalance about it, I have to admit that there is nothing that going after the guy would have done to improve my life, which has turned out pretty well if I may say so.
Anyway, such was my introduction to Game Two.
3. I think that in the last half of the twentieth century, Game Two economics produced little gain from a Game One perspective, and arguably a net loss.
4. I agree very much with your view that academic economists have been slow to come to terms with the fact that the Internet enables businesses to deliver content to consumers at essentially zero marginal cost, but with some fixed costs. One of my lines is that “Information wants to be free, but people need to get paid.” If you want to say that this implies widespread market failure in a textbook sense, I could agree to that. But widespread market failure in no way ensures widespread government success.
Note that there is no link, because this conversation only took place in my imagination.