What other tribe will tell the Fed how to set interest rates, or Congress when to spend money? Mainstream macro has its discontents, but the more time you spend among the people pushing the alternatives, the more you realize how much lesser of an evil the mainstream academics represent.
We have no business throwing applied-math majors into an economics Ph.D. program. Both a liberal arts mora-philosophy B.A. or equivalent and two years out in the real world working at a job of some sort should be required.
We have no business offering a narrow economics B.A. at all. At the undergraduate social-science level, the right way of organizing a major curriculum is to offer some flavor of history and moral philosophy: enough history that students are not ignorant, enough sociology and anthropology that students are not morons, and enough politics and philosophy that students are not fools. (And, I would say, a double dose of economics to ensure that majors understand what is key about our civilization and do not get the incidence of everything wrong.)
…A first-rate undergraduate economic major will also spend due time on government failure and bureaucratic failure, and thus reach the very economic conclusion that there are substantial trade-offs, and we must pick our poison among inadequate and imperfect alternatives, even in institution design.
Pointers from Mark Thoma. Some thoughts on why there is such a focus on math.
1. Some economists really believe that the answers can be found inside equations.
2. Some economists (I think of Robert Hall) think that mathematical ability provides a reliable signal of overall intelligence, while other indicators are all more noisy.
3. It is a stable, self-perpetuating equilibrium. Once the math guys took over, they just keep giving the best jobs to other math guys.
4. Important questions in economics tend to have messy, ambiguous answers. Therefore, economists who do a bad job at answering important economic questions, or who do not even bother asking important economic questions, can do quite well for themselves.
5. Graduate students think that a class where the professor explains equations provides tangible training, while a class where a professor poses philosophical issues does not.