Yoram Hazony from a three-axes perspective

How would one evaluate a government, and what does this imply about nationalism vs. trans-nationalism?

For a conservative, the question is how well the government preserves the civilization of the people within its jurisdiction. According to Hazony, this is most likely to occur within a nation-state, that is a state that consists of people with a shared culture. Trans-nationalism threatens to imperil national civilizations.

A progressive might ask whether a government sides with the oppressor or the oppressed. A government must have enough power to overcome oppressors. This might require trans-nationalism, in order to overcome oppressors in particular nations. But nationalism may suffice.

A libertarian might ask whether a government limits its use of coercion. Trans-nationalism sounds like coercion carried to a higher degree. Even nationalism may be too coercive. It should be easy for people to exercise exit. In the United States, federalism was supposed to ensure relatively easy exit, but that is no longer the case.

Thanks to Yuval Levin for suggesting applying the three-axes model to the issues raised by Hazony.