I am going to talk about community service…and why I am against it.
Today, you will see students given awards for community service. I want to explain why I disagree with that.
I think that young people can learn to be good citizens at least as well by day-dreaming, playing, socializing, or working for paying jobs at profit-making enterprises. I am tired of seeing them indoctrinated to believe that only volunteer work for no-profits qualifies as doing good.
We live in a complicated world. Many people try to simplify difficult moral issues by using the shortcut that some of us call the intention heuristic. With the intention heuristic, you say that if your intentions are good, then you are doing good, and conversely. Moreover, most people apply the intention heuristic by saying that non-profits have good intentions while profits are an indicator of bad intentions.
In fact, there are many well-intentioned people involved in profit-making enterprises. And non-profits are hardly free from venality and corruption. But leave that aside. The important point is that in a complicated world intentions do not correlate with outcomes.
If you judge people by how their life’s work contributed to better lives for people and less poverty in the world, then I will gladly stack up the Henry Fords and Thomas Edisons against the Mother Theresas. Collectively, the capitalists and entrepreneurs have a much better claim on our gratitude than do the icons of community service.
What would you rather have in your community? Would you rather have the Wal-mart that hires the workers that other businesses cannot use and for whom politicians can offer no assistance–people with little education or training, including people with disabilities? Or would you rather have the “activists” who fight to keep out Wal-Mart or who insist that they should dictate Wal-Mart’s labor policies?
In a complicated world, good intentions can have terrible consequences. One hundred years ago, many well-intentioned people championed Communism. When Lenin took power in Russia in 1917, he actually believed that the economy would organize itself, and that without profits production would be more efficient and more equitable. When both his ideas and his leadership proved unpopular, he responded with ruthless tyranny. His took his self-righteousness to a mad extreme, but I am afraid that there is a little bit of Lenin lurking among all of those who are so certain that community service is morally superior to business.
If those of you who are graduating today go on to attend a liberal arts college, you will hear constantly from people who equate moral character with political expressions of approval for non-profits and disapproval of business. They judge you not by the content of your character but by the conformity of your political expression. I urge you to reject their doctrines.
If you undertake community service, do so quietly, without righteousness. Do not celebrate community service. Do not give a special place of honor to community service. Above all, do not demean those who serve the community by helping to provide ordinary goods and services through profit-making enterprises. Their community service is honored not by wealthy donors or by doctrinaire teachers. Instead, their community service is honored by ordinary people who voluntarily choose to spend money to obtain what the profit-seekers have to offer. These willing consumers are all the evidence that is needed to show that the occupation of those in business has decent moral worth.