Finance: Practitioners vs. Economists

Pablo Fernandez writes,

If all investors had identical expectations,
A) Trading volume in financial markets would be very small. However, the trading volumes of many markets are
B) All valuations of the shares of a company should coincide. However, there are huge differences in stock
valuations (analysts, investment banks, consultants, financial companies …)
C) The return required for the shares of a company should be identical in all valuations.
D) The expected cash flows of the shares of a company should be identical every year in all valuations.

Since our world is not characterized by any of the four above characteristics, how can one even insinuate the
hypothesis of homogeneous expectations?

My thoughts:

1. I think that the models developed by financial economists have some value, unlike those of Keynesian macroeconomists.

2. However, the fiction of the “representative investor” is problematic for some of the reasons that the fiction of the “representative agent” is problematic in mainstream macro.

3. Economists tend to assume that the conflict between financial practitioners and financial economists should be resolved in favor of economists. To some extent, this has happened, as index funds and Black-Scholes option pricing became important in practice. But as Fernandez points out, financial practice still differs sharply from what models say that it ought to be, and the economists seem to be unwilling to explore why this is the case.

I have influence with Steve Bannon


he was indeed reading “The Best and the Brightest.”

Read the whole article, by Marc Tracy in the NYT. No, there is no indication that I had anything to do with Bannon’s choice of reading. Tracy makes this point:

If “The Best and the Brightest” is a brief against the East Coast meritocracy, though, its proposed alternative is not pure ideology. It is expertise.

Time and again, in Mr. Halberstam’s telling, lower-level government officials who understood Vietnamese politics, sentiments and even geography assessed reality accurately and offered correct policy recommendations to the major characters — who shunted them aside.

Well, in hindsight, the lower-level officials who raised doubts about the Vietnam commitment were experts. But there were other lower-level officials who argued the other way, and in hindsight they look like fools, or like toadies saying what they thought the senior policy makers wanted to hear.

I did not come away from the book thinking that the main conflict is between ideology and expertise, although I think that is a plausible reading. Instead, I came away from it thinking that the major conflict was between “can-do” overconfidence and sensible skepticism. The political process prefers the overconfident individual promising to solve problems, and so power accrues to people with “solutions,” even if those turn out to have dreadful consequences.

It did not take an expert to sense that there was something wrong with getting involved in Vietnam. On p. 181, Halberstam writes,

Thruston Morton was assigned to inform Senator [Richard] Russell of the Armed Services Committee that the President would be sending an estimated 200 men to South Vietnam as well as funding the country. Russell answered that it was a mistake, it would not stay at 200, it would eventually go to 20,000 and perhaps one day even as high as 200,000. . .

“I think this is the greatest mistake this country’s ever made,” Russell said.

That was during the Eisenhower Administration. A few years later, Russell and others advised President Kennedy against expanding the commitment, but at the same time other powerful figures argued for an even stronger U.S. buildup. This was to be the case throughout the war, and neither Kennedy nor Johnson were decisive enough to either limit the commitment on the one hand or to undertake the most aggressive military actions on the other.

As I pointed out in a previous post, Eisenhower deserves credit for staying out of a war in Vietnam. Halberstam writes (p. 178-179),

Eisenhower was in no mood for unilateral action, and in 1954 his manner of decision making contrasted sharply with that of Lyndon Johnson some eleven years later. Whereas Eisenhower genuinely consulted the Congress, Johnson paid lip service to real consultation and manipulated the Congress. Eisenhower’s chief of staff had made a tough-minded, detailed estimate of what the cost of the war would be; eleven years later an all-out effort was made by almost everyone concerned to avoid determining and forecasting what the reality of intervention meant. In 1954 the advice of allies was genuinely sought; in 1965 the United States felt itself so powerful that it did not need allies, except as a means of showing more flags and gaining moral legitimacy for the U.S. cause. Eisenhower took the projected costs of a land war to his budget people with startling results; Johnson and McNamara would carefully shield accurate troop projections not only from the press and the Congress but from their own budgetary experts. The illusion. . .that bombing could be separated from combat troops, which was allowed to exist in 1965, was demolished in 1954 by both Ridgway and Eisenhower.

The lessons that Mr. Bannon might take away from this are to consult widely on decisions, pay attention to pessimistic estimates of potential costs and adverse consequences, and above all encourage honesty from subordinates. Beware of those who tell you what they think you want to hear, and instead encourage those who give you their honest analysis.

One of My Pet Peeves

Jenna Robinson writes,

Emphasizing amenities over education also does a disservice to the faculty and students more interested in academic pursuits. A recent National Bureau of Economic Research (NBER) paper found, perhaps not surprisingly, that demand for high-quality academics is limited to only the best and brightest students, while wealthy students with low academic aptitude have the strongest demand for recreational amenities. In such an environment, university leaders likely feel financial pressure to cater more to the lowest common denominator.

She goes on to give examples. Pointer from George Leef.

I really hate the fads in college facilities. The state-of-the-art fitness centers, the Kennedy-Center-rivaling performing arts centers, etc. Brandeis University, which is hurting for money because of the Madoff scandal, nonetheless wasted money on building a new admissions office. Swarthmore College probably has the equivalent of several buildings worth of unused facilities on its campus, and it still campaigns for more donations.

Prestige and Social Change

Vera L. te Velde asks

which cooperative norms are chosen to be enforced and how does this come about?

Pointer from Tyler Cowen. Read her whole post.

Joseph Henrich, in The Secret of our Success, emphasizes the role of prestige. I can think of some examples. Joel Mokyr points out that prestigious scientists, particularly in the UK, were able to change the way people approached many issues during the Enlightenment. Another example would be the way that prestigious people, particularly in arts and entertainment, were able to quickly change attitudes about homosexuality in the United States. Another example would be the way that prestigious people, again particularly in arts and entertainment, began in the 1960s to use four-letter words in public with increasing frequency, leading to the breakdown of the norm against doing so. Another example would be racism and eugenics, which were popular among intellectuals one hundred years ago and became very unpopular more recently.

Another source of changes in norms is general upheaval, in which many people lose wealth or status. I am thinking of the changes in norms that took place in Germany after the first World War, producing political street violence and

Still, it is exceptional for social norms to change rapidly. Many attempts to change social norms are not successful. And I think that you have to allow for a lot of idiosyncratic factors.

A good example to keep in mind is the emergence and influence of the Beatles. I think it is a mistake to view every aspect of that phenomenon as if it were pre-ordained somehow. Beatle haircuts? Quite accidental, if you ask me.

Sure, maybe somebody else comes along and combines gritty R&B instrumentation with vocal harmonies, but do they go to India? Turn drug use into a high-status activity?

Finally, to say that people with prestige determine which norms get enforced invites the question: how do certain individuals or classes of people come to have high prestige?

Some of it has to do with their idiosyncratic abilities. Lennon and McCartney had a gift for cultivating pop stardom. Samuelson had a gift for making other economists feel like lesser mortals.

Some of it also has to do with where individuals fit in the entire status cosmos. Lennon and McCartney benefited from disc jockeys and others trying to raise their own status in the nascent world of teenagers listening to transistor radios. Samuelson benefited from young mathematically-oriented economists eager to raise their status within the profession.

In short, I would recommend studying the issue of how people obtain high prestige and how that in turn enables them to affect the larger society.

Firms that Win Big

David Autor and others write,

Possible explanations for the growth of winner take most includes the diffusion of new competitive platforms (e.g. easier price/quality comparisons on the Internet), the proliferation of information-intensive goods that have high fixed and low-marginal costs (e.g., software platforms and online services), or increasing competition due to the rising international integration of product markets. New technologies may also have strengthened network effects and favored firms that are more adept at adopting and exploiting new modes of production.

The main point of their paper is that the increasing prevalence of winner-take-most firms is reducing labor’s share of income. However, other research shows that these firms pay more than other firms.

The way I see it, the intuition is that the returns to implementation of superior business methods have increased. It is hard to compete with Google in search or with Amazon in logistics. (As an aside, I wrote long ago that I thought that WalMart would wipe out Amazon, because WalMart would figure out how to build a web site before Amazon figured out logistics. That prediction turned out to be wrong.)

Think of cultural intelligence as a factor of production within a business. The firm’s owners reap most of the benefits from its cultural intelligence.

Advice to the American Left

From Venezuelan Andrés Miguel Rondón.

a hissy fit is not a strategy.

The people on the other side — and crucially, independents — will rebel against you if you look like you’re losing your mind. You will have proved yourself to be the very thing you’re claiming to be fighting against: an enemy of democracy. And all the while you’re giving the populist and his followers enough rhetorical fuel to rightly call you a saboteur, an unpatriotic schemer, for years to come.

Rondón’s piece in last Sunday’s WaPo focuses on an analogy between Hugo Chavez and Donald Trump. What that analogy glosses over is the fact that the Americans who hate Trump loved Chavez, at least initially.

Calling Chavez a Trumpian populist is a way for the American left to disown the fact that it supported Chavez. It is not clear to me that Rondón is aware of this, but my guess is that the WaPo readers will take away from the article that Chavez was bad because he was a populist, not because he was a socialist. And that will be all that they take away from the essay. I doubt that they will take the passages I quoted to heart.

Iraq and Vietnam

A commenter asks,

Could you write more about this? Vietnam is really remote to someone like me. I guess Iraq would be the closest experience for most people, but it seems different.

I would describe Iraq as a very costly Type II error. Let us stipulate that Iraq did not have Weapons of Mass Destruction (WMD), but we could not be sure of that prior to invading. All that we knew was that Iraq was defying the UN resolution requiring the government to submit to international inspections.

A Type I error would have occurred if we had not gone to war and they in fact had obtained and subsequently used WMD. Policy makers assumed that this would be a costly error.

A Type II error occurred when we went to war and they had not obtained WMD. Policy makers assumed that this sort of error would have low cost. In fact, some thought that it was not an error at all. A neocon I know who was never an official in the Bush Administration gave me this rationale early on. Not long after Saddam was killed, this fellow told me that soon Iran would be surrounded on two sides by working democracies–in Afghanistan and Iraq. I thought to myself, “Oh, dear [euphemism], if Bush believes that, we’re in trouble.” It was the cost of the attempt at nation-building, and the consequences of the failure of that attempt, that make the outcome of the Iraq war so ugly.

I believe that the fundamental reason for the bad outcome in Vietnam also was our doomed attempt at nation-building. None of the governments that we supported in South Vietnam had a strong popular base, so that the enthusiasm for fighting the war came from us, not from the South Vietnamese.

In hindsight, the big puzzle about Vietnam is why we fought a war there in the first place. President Eisenhower was offered a war in Vietnam in 1954, when the French were defeated there, and he declined. In hindsight, Ike seems to me to have been one of our great Presidents.

There was nothing strategically or economically valuable about Vietnam. Rather, the Kennedy Administration foreign policy team talked themselves into seeing it as a test of their determination and tactical dexterity in containing Communism in the Third World. They managed to show a fair amount of determination. Tactical dexterity, not so much.

The consequences for us? Eventually, the United States gave up on the war. The Communists took over, and that had zero cost to us strategically. But before that, we had lost tens of thousands of Americans killed, and many others wounded physically and psychologically.

I think that if you want to understand how badly the war wounded American culture and where today’s Left came from, it would help to delve into some of the history of the campus activism of the 1960s.

So how should you do that? Hmmm. Maybe for starters look up people like Jerry Rubin and Tom Hayden on Wikipedia, and also click on links there that look interesting.

There are some movies that reflect the period. Easy Rider; The Strawberry Statement; Zabriskie Point; Alice’s Restaurant

If you prefer reading, The Strawberry Statement was originally a book. Also The Whole World is Watching (not the newer book of that title by a different author). Norman Mailer’s The Armies of the Night is recommended. I avidly read and re-read it when it came out.

Vietnam created political divisions that have still not healed. The war either fostered or brought to the surface a sentiment of anti-Americanism on the left, and that sentiment continues to be a major factor in polarization. It explains why “make America great again” was such a potent and divisive slogan. Since Vietnam, the left has decreed that America never has been great. Incidentally, many libertarians are on the left on this issue, and I believe that you can trace this to Murray Rothbard during the Vietnam era.

Patriotism has become something that President Trump’s supporters believe in and something that the left abhors. [UPDATE: Let me clarify. If you ask Trump supporters, “Are you patriotic?” they will answer “Of course!” If you ask people on the left, they are likely to look at you suspiciously and say, “Define patriotism.” They might be happy to call themselves patriotic if you are willing to define patriotism as support for social justice, but they will abhor the patriotism of the Trump supporter.] For the left, America can only be great when it helps the oppressed. President Trump’s order on refugees went against that, and you can see the reaction. But I think that the order went down well with people who are more traditionally patriotic, and I have seen some stories giving polling data that bears bear me out.

As economists, we tell the story of the end of the draft as a triumph for Milton Friedman and economic efficiency. But it is significant that the draft ended during the Vietnam War. As a political matter, it allowed the left to opt out of military service, which reinforced the division over patriotism.

In high school and college, I soaked up the anti-American view of the Vietnam war. You can still see the anti-American, anti-capitalist view expressed in this more recent review of Mailer’s book, but I came to discard the Chomsky “blame the capitalists” thesis.

I gradually went from being anti-American and anti-capitalist. Instead, I became anti-elitist. As I have pointed out often, a major turning point for me was reading David Halberstam’s The Best and the Brightest. I cannot recommend this book highly enough. Even apart from the historical context, it offers many insights into bureaucratic infighting and organizational dysfunction. And the lesson that smart people can do something monumentally stupid is terribly important.

I often sense that my temperament is similar to that of David Brooks, but his sympathy for elites creates fundamental differences in our political views. He is younger than I am, and the Vietnam War and the protest movement were less salient to him. Perhaps if our ages were reversed, our attitudes toward elites would be reversed, also.

My distrust of elites continues to color my views. I see many events in Vietnam terms. For me, 2008 was a financial Vietnam, for both bankers and regulators. I tend to think of Obamacare as a domestic policy Vietnam, with its architects showing the same overconfidence and the same inability to listen to dissenting voices. And, for that matter, the same denial of the need for fundamental re-thinking (during Vietnam, the Administration was constantly saying that there was “light at the end of the tunnel,” and they were constantly putting out statistics that said that the policy was working).

Career Guidance Question from a Reader

He writes,

I am keen to work with individuals who are exploring how technology is affecting everything – communications, cars, transport, jobs, health, education – an all-round view of the world.

What plausible career alternatives could be available to a telecommunication professional with no formal training in economics but is keen to work with economists as such?

1, Going from one standard occupational identity (telecom professional) to another (economist) is probably not the best strategy. I recommend trying to work toward a hybrid identity. It could involve economics and telecommunications. Or it could combine economics with some other interest.

2. One way to expose yourself to applied economics is to get into management consulting.

3. Venture capital firms also do a lot of applied economics. The Marc Andreessens of the world have to think about how technology is affecting everything. But I have no idea how one goes about joining the VC industry.

4. Get out more. Attend events where you think that you will meet people of the sort with whom you want to interact. To have good luck making and cultivating contacts, project a positive outlook and be a good listener. Do not expect this to come easily or to feel rewarding at first.

Further Comments on School Improvement Grants

Andy Smarick says I told you so.

To be clear, I wasn’t the only one raising the alarm. For example, Charlie Barone on the left and Rick Hess on the right were skeptical of the program. But the Duncan-Obama team pushed ahead on SIG with fervor. It’s never been all that clear whether they weren’t aware of the history and research or chose to ignore it. (For an administration that claimed to always follow data, always do what’s right for kids, and only pursue what works, the irony is striking.) But they designed and then implemented a program that did the same things that had disappointed when they were called “comprehensive school reform,” “restructuring,” “reconstitution,” or something else—give more money to the very districts running the persistently failing schools and ask those districts to implement a list of mandated interventions. For some reason this administration was certain this approach would work this time around despite the mountain of evidence telling them otherwise.

On the other hand, Neerav Kingsland cautions on the methods used in the study of SIG’s (in-)effectiveness.

In using a regression-discontinuity design (comparing schools that received the SIG treatment to slightly higher performing schools that did not receive the treatment), the authors were not able to generate a sample size that would be sensitive to positive significant effects that, in my mind, could be considered a success.

The federal government should have either randomized which SIG-eligible schools received funding for the SIG treatment, or the authors should have used a quasi-experimental student-based methodology that allowed for a larger sample