Need Something to Read?

For those with an interest in economic history, here are some suggestions. Pointer from Tyler Cowen.

On the list, I have reviewed the following:

Gregory Clark, A Farewell to Alms (review)

Findlay & O’Rourke, Power and Plenty: Trade, War, and the World Economy in the Second Millennium (review)

Garett Jones, Hive Mind and Joseph Henrich The Secret of Our Success (discussed in my essay on Cultural Intelligence)

I also have a soon-to-be-published review of Peter Turchin’s War and Peace and War

I have read enough by and about Mokyr, McCloskey, and Pomeranz to feel that I could hold my own in a conversation about their works. The many other books on the list are not familiar to me.

2 thoughts on “Need Something to Read?

  1. Springer wants me to pay forty American dollars to read your review of Clark from 2010. I would like to read it, but not that much. Do let us know if you post it or some portion elsewhere, won’t you? Thanks.

  2. A pirated copy can be downloaded from or

    Search for the review by using its DOI (digital object identifier):


    Just to be clear, “pirated” means not legally obtained.

    Alternatively, you can contact your local library, and they will send you a copy through interlibrary loan. That’s legal.

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