From a RAND paper.
The first five options would decrease costs and risks of inventing new products or
obtaining regulatory approval for products that would advance our two policy goals.1. enabling more creativity in funding basic science
2. offering prizes for inventions
3. buying out patents
4. establishing a public interest investment fund
5. expediting FDA review.
The last five options would increase the market rewards for inventing products
that would advance our two policy goals. These options are
1. reforming Medicare payment policies
2. reforming Medicare coverage policies
3. coordinating FDA approval and CMS coverage processes
4. increasing demand for products that decrease spending
5. producing more and more-timely technology assessments.
Pointer from Timothy Taylor, who comments
I confess that as I look over their list of policy recommendations, I’m not sure they suffice to overcome the incentives currently built into the U.S. healthcare system.
Who is really your favorite blogger? TC or TT? Speaking of blog tags, I find a fair amount of Mark Thoma’s writing to be completely dispensable. While we’re on a different subject, does the “ask” in askblog reflect your initials? I do get the reference to a spirit of open inquiry, and I noticed that this blog’s entry on the blogroll has different capitalization than the banner here. Is “AskBlog” thus capitalized incorrectly?
Apologies in advance.
I deliberately listed both TT and TC as my favorite blogger. ASK does reflect my initials