In the progressive journal Democracy, David Stein writes,
President Biden could explore new ways of managing inflation by directing the National Economic Council to analyze the sources and impacts of sectoral inflation, along with possible remedies like credit controls, subsidized production, and boosting the supply of critical goods and services—whether N95 masks, steel, or housing—via government-owned and operated facilities.
Now that we have met and exceeded the World War II debt/GDP ratio, why not go back to wartime central planning?
“The fiscal equivalent of war” just doesn’t have the same ring to it, does it?
It’s a new generation. Just naming central planing I’d no longer enough. You need to expand on why it is bad. And that probably requires a doorstopping dystopian novel.
David Stein needs to read Hayek’s “Road to Serfdom.”
Would Stein, an academic railing about mass incarceration and an advocate for federal rent control, change his position on centralized planning after reading Hayek? No. People believe what they want to believe.
Remember that prominent “libertarians” endorsed this:
and said anyone that opposed was a troglodyte that deserved to die.
What’s a few wage and price controls…