Do I defy DeFi?

DeFi is cool. I am not. I write,

I bet that in order for DeFi to work, you need an understanding of financial institutions in addition to an understanding of blockchain and the layers that have been added to it. I don’t think that young techies understand financial institutions as well as I do. And I think I have a better chance of explaining my knowledge of financial institutions to young techies than they have of explaining DeFi technology to me. So I hereby offer to teach a course in financial institutions.

3 thoughts on “Do I defy DeFi?

  1. I always poise one question to the DeFi crowd: whose stock do i short? Banks, Visa, Insurance companies? There is never an answer. Somehow the the world is going DeFi but it wont affect any incumbents.

  2. I’ll take your course!

    I had a money & banking class in college 40 years ago. I’m sure A LOT has changed since then. Worked at Swiss Bank Corp in NYC in the 80s. Moved to San Francisco because I liked code better than $. (D’oh!!!)

    Here’s a guy who groks the difference between New York and SF and hints at why there’s a disconnect between crypto and finance.

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