A reader pointed me to this from Charles Murray.
I’ve written a thought experiment for ongoing work. What happens if everyone with IQs below 110 disappears? Civilization collapses. If everyone with IQs of 110+ disappears except some engineers? Some deterioration here and there, but civilization continues.
There is a lot of cultural knowledge stored in the minds of farmers, construction workers, and others who work with things. There is also some cultural knowledge that is stored in the minds of the highly-educated elites. Murray suggests, perhaps correctly, that the cultural knowledge of the HEEs is in some sense less valuable than that of those who work with things. Why do HEEs take such a large share of income? Some possibilities.
1. The marginal revolution, which solved the diamonds-water paradox, solves this one.
2. The HEEs control the allocation of resources. For example, in a recent stimulus proposal,
Under the GOP plan, businesses could receive a second PPP loan, and schools and colleges would be granted more than $100 billion in aid, while $31 billion would go toward vaccine development and distribution.
These “needy” educational institutions are still throwing lots of money at “diversity, equity, and inclusion.” One local school district paid Ibrahim X. Kendi $20,000 to give a talk. Another advertised for an “anti-racism” consultant to be paid by big bucks. And to my knowledge, the elite colleges have not let go of a single administrator.
If we had only a profit-seeking sector, a lot of HEEs might not have such high-paying jobs.