How Bad was 2008?

Timothy Taylor writes,

my point here is not to parse the details of economic policy over the last seven years. Instead, it is to say that I agree with Furman (and many others) on a fundamental point: The US and the world economy was in some danger of a true meltdown in September 2008. Here are a few of the figures I used to make this point in lectures, some of which overlap with Furman’s figures. The underlying purpose of these kinds of figures is to show the enormous size and abruptness of the events of 2008 and early 2009–and in that way to make a prima facie case that the US economy was in severe danger at that time.

Taylor highlights the fall in house prices, the drop in bank lending, and the rise in the TED spread. However, if you look at just these indicators, the crisis ended relatively quickly. But employment just kept dropping (long after the official end of the recession). So it looks to me like the policies had a neutron bomb effect. The buildings (banks) were left standing but the people (workers) died.

As Taylor says, these are points that are not going to be settled. In my terminology, there are many frameworks that can be made consistent with observed economic performance. Some of these frameworks will be consistent with policies having made a positive difference, and others will not.

The Causes of Mortgage Defaults

The latest paper is by Fernando Ferriera and Joseph Gyourko. This article about the paper says,

Ferreira’s data show that even with strict limits on borrowing—say, requiring every borrower to put 20% down in all circumstances—wouldn’t have prevented the worst of the foreclosure crisis. “It’s really hard for certain regulations to stop the process [of a bubble forming],” Ferreira says. “I really wish my research had showed that it’s all about putting down 20% and all problems are solved, but the reality is more complicated than that.”

This analysis has both good points and bad points. The good point is that it goes against the “predatory lending” narrative. As a home buyer, you were better off with a predatory loan in 2002 (when prices were still headed higher) than with a prime loan in 2006 (when prices were near the peak). The bad point is the implication that there was nothing wrong with loans with low down payments. In fact, it was those loans that allowed speculation to get out of control.

Scott Sumner thinks that the finding that many of the mortgage defaulters were “prime” borrowers is enough to confirm that mortgage defaults were caused by a slowdown in nominal GDP growth. But mortgage defaults do not come from a lack of nominal GDP growth. They come from negative equity among mortgage borrowers.* And that comes from house prices falling, for which the main cause was the rapid rise in the first place. And both the rise in prices and the subsequent wave of defaults were much exacerbated by the fact that so many borrowers, “prime” or otherwise, had so little equity to begin with.

From part of the NBER coverage of the paper that Sumner does not quote:

The authors’ key empirical finding is that negative equity conditions can explain virtually all of the difference in foreclosure and short sale outcomes of prime borrowers compared to all cash owners. Negative equity also accounts for approximately two-thirds of the variation in subprime borrower distress. Both are true on average, over time, and across metropolitan areas.

Let’s assume that we can agree that the big drop in house prices caused the wave of mortgage defaults. Three possibilities:

1. The drop in house prices was a purely exogenous shock.

2. The drop in house prices was due to the slowdown in nominal GDP growth.

3. The drop in house prices was due to the internal dynamics of a housing market that had become saturated with speculative buying with little or no money down.

The stories about the study make it sound like it was (1). Sumner believes (2). I vote for (3).


UPDATE: See Megan McArdle for a similar point of view.

The Greek Crisis and the Subprime Crisis

Ana Swanson writes,

Matthijs compares the situation to the U.S. subprime crisis. Who was really at fault for the housing crisis in the U.S.: The subprime borrowers who bought houses they couldn’t afford, or the predatory lenders who encouraged them to take them out?

I, too, see parallels with the subprime crisis. However, I do not think that predatory lenders are to blame for either. In both cases, bank regulators were responsible for allocating credit. In the first instance, the regulators encouraged banks to treat mortgage loans as low risk. In the second case, they encouraged banks to treat all European sovereign debt as low risk. See The Regulator’s Calculation Problem.

The irony is that after messing up credit markets, the regulators ask for and receive more power. With the sub-prime crisis, the regulators were rewarded with Dodd-Frank. I presume that the ultimate outcome of the Greek crisis will be similar.

Axel Leijonhufvud vs. Calomiris and Haber

Leijonhufvud writes,

The financial structure inherited from the 1930s divided the system into a number of distinct industries: commercial banks, savings and loan associations (S&Ls), credit unions, and others. It also divided it spatially. Banks located in one state could not branch across the line into another. This structure of the financial sector gave it great resilience. On another occasion I used the metaphor of a ship with numerous watertight compartments. If one compartment is breached and flooded, it will not sink the entire vessel.

This is directly the opposite of what Calomiris and Haber argue. They say that American cultural hostility to large banks produced an overly fragmented system, and that this fragmentation is the root cause of the peculiar instability of American finance.

Leijonhufvud elaborates,

At the time, the abolishment of all the regulations that prevented the different segments of the industry from entering into one another’s traditional markets was seen as having two obvious advantages. On the one hand, it would increase competition and, on the other, it would offer financial firms new opportunities to diversify risk. Economists in general failed to understand the sound rationale of Glass-Steagall. The crisis has given us much to be modest about.

In other words, economists championed open competition without thinking about how this would turn idiosyncratic risk into systemic risk.

The thing is, I was following these regulatory issues at the time, and I do not think that economists were as influential as we would like to believe. I think that the driving factors were computer technology, inflation, and massive lobbying. With high inflation, the regulatory ceilings on deposit interest rates that were a vital part of the regulatory structure became untenable. Moreover, with computer technology, it became easy for Wall Street to “disintermediate” banks using money market funds and securitization. These forces produced an inevitable turf battle between commercial banks and investment banks, which took years to resolve, as everybody lawyered up on the lobbying front. There were multiple possible political/regulatory outcomes, but hanging on to Glass-Steagall was not one of them.

Another Leijonhufvud quote:

Deregulation. . .allowed the great investment banks to incorporate and one by one they all did so. . .Incorporation meant limited liability for the investment bank and no direct liability for its executives. The incentives for executives in the industry changed accordingly. . .Now they are seen as jet-setting high rollers. Economists in general failed to predict this change in bankers’ risk attitudes. We have much to be modest about.

I cannot disagree with that.

However, I would instead put most of the emphasis on the regulations that directly affected housing finance. The pressure to lend with little or no money down and the designation of highly-rated mortgage securities as low risk for bank capital purposes are the main villains in the story as I tell it.

Public Availability of Freddie, Fannie Loan Performance Data

Todd W. Schneider has a write-up and some analysis.

I decided to dig in with some geographic analysis, an attempt to identify the loan-level characteristics most predictive of default rates, and more. As part of my efforts, I wrote code to transform the raw data into a more useful PostgreSQL database format, and some R scripts for analysis. The code for processing and analyzing the data is all available on GitHub.

I recommend reading the entire post.

Derailing the Narrative

Various politicians and pundits seized on the Amtrak derailment as a narrative of failure to spend on infrastructure. Then it turned out that at 100 miles per hour the train was going twice the speed limit in the area.

Similarly, when the financial crisis struck, politicians and pundits seized on it as showing an excess of greed and exploitation by banks and an “atmosphere of deregulation” that allowed the banks to run amok. In my view, this is as misleading as the narrative about the train derailment.

Some further comments.

1. Perhaps in the end both misleading narratives will dominate. Maybe that is just the way things work in matters where what matters is the political orientation of most journalists and historians.

2. Perhaps the misleading narrative of the train derailment will not stand. Perhaps the facts will stand in the way. On the other hand, the complexity of the financial crisis makes it difficult to sift through the facts, and by the same token makes it easy to impose a dubious narrative.

3. Perhaps eventually historians will look more carefully and objectively at the financial crisis, and the misleading narrative will be set aside.

As of this writing, my money is on (1).

AIG in Hindsight

That is the title of a new NBER working paper by Robert McDonald and Anna Paulson (ungated versions). They conclude,

Much of the discussion about the crisis has focused on liquidity versus solvency. The two cannot always be disentangled, but an examination of the performance of AIG’s underlying real estate securities indicates that AIG’s problems were not purely about liquidity. The assets represented in both Maiden Lane vehicles have experienced write-downs that disprove the claim that they are money-good. While it may seem obvious with the benefit of hindsight that not all of these securities would make their scheduled interest and principal payments in every state of the world, the belief that they could not suffer solvency problems and that any price decline would be temporary and due to illiquidity was an important factor in their creation and purchase.

My random comments:

1. This is valuable work. I am really glad to see a retrospective audit of this important bailout.

2. I view the conclusion as saying that this truly was a bailout. The Fed was not acting as a hedge fund of last resort, buying temporarily undervalued assets that otherwise were just fine.

3. This also throws Gary Gorton under the bus. Gorton said that AIG’s problems were collateral calls, meaning illiquidity rather than insolvency. Note that Gorton is not included in the list of references, at least in the ungated version. Note also that the authors write that AIG’s problems were both liquidity and solvency.

4. Bob McDonald and I shared an apartment our first year as MIT grad students. He has written a treatise on derivatives.

Regulators and the Socialist Calculation Problem

My latest essay is on Engineering the Financial Crisis, by Jeffrey Friedman and Wladimir Kraus. I think that their book demonstrates that regulation falls victim to the socialist calculation problem.

Centralizing risk assessment through regulatory risk weights and rating agency designations has several weaknesses. Local knowledge, such as detailed understanding of individual mortgages, is overlooked. At a macro level, regulators’ judgment of housing market prospects were no better than those of leading market participants. Moreover, regulators imposed a uniformity of risk judgment, rather than allowing different assessments to emerge in the market.

The Banking Crisis and the Real Economy

How important was the financial crisis as a causal factor in the economic slump? Apparently, Brad DeLong and Dean Baker disagree. Baker wrote,

The $8 trillion in equity created by the housing bubble made homeowners feel wealthier. They consumed based on this wealth, believing that it would be there for them to draw on for their children’s education, their own retirement or for other needs.

When the bubble burst, homeowners cut back their consumption since this wealth no longer existed. However contrary to what you often read in the paper, consumption is not currently low, it is actually quite high when compared with any time except the years of the stock and housing bubbles.

DeLong replies,

in the absence of the financial crisis, the Federal Reserve’s lowering interest rates as consumption spending fell in response to the decline in home equity would have pushed down the value of the dollar and made further hikes in business investment a profitable proposition and so directed the additional household savings thus generated into even stronger booms in exports and business investment: in the absence of the financial crisis, what was in store for the U.S. was not a long, deep depression but, rather, a shallow recession plus a pronounced sectoral rotation.

Pointer from Mark Thoma. Conventional economics did not have a story of how stress in the financial sector could cause problems in the real economy. Even now, that view comes across as a just-so story. Baker argues that one does not need such a story, but DeLong says that we do need it.

I would note that if the financial crisis did not matter, then the bailouts, including interest payments on reserves, were simply transfers to bank shareholders. The more conventional view is that the bailouts prevented a horrible depression. So, the way I see it, the conventional view went from saying that the financial sector is nothing special to saying that you need to invoke specialness of the financial sector to explain how bad the recession was (Baker argues the opposite) and, moreover, the recession would have been even worse without the bailouts.

From a PSST perspective, I think that one must allow that it is possible that credit plays a big role in sustaining patterns of trade, and there may be something special about the financial sector. However, my own inclination is to see the financial sector as of 2007 as overgrown and to view the bailouts as making no contribution to the process of creating new patterns of specialization and trade.

George Selgin on Calomiris and Haber

He reviews their book Fragile by Design.

the observed interdependence of states and banks isn’t as deep-seated and inescapable as Calomiris and Haber claim. Consequently, keeping bankers and governments from getting too cozy with one another isn’t quite so difficult as they suppose.

Later, Selgin writes,

they seem unaware of the adverse effects of the “bond-deposit” provisions included in misnamed state “free banking” laws. These provisions allowed banks to issue notes only after tendering eligible securities to state authorities for the ostensive purpose of securing the notes’ holders from loss. Calomiris and Haber (p. 169) note that, by making their own bonds eligible for this purpose, states were able to force banks to lend to them “in exchange for their right to operate.” Still they fail to point out that some states force-fed their banks, not “high-grade” bonds (ibid.) but junk ones, and that it was this practice, rather than unit banking, that was the main cause of bank failures during the so-called “free banking” era

…In Canada, in contrast, banks’ almost unrestricted ability to issue notes
contributed to the banking system’s stability no less than banks’ branch networks did.

You may also wish to read my review of the book.