I was sent a review copy of A Crisis of Beliefs, by Nicola Gennaioli and Andrei Shleifer (henceforth GS). They say that the financial crisis of 2008 illustrates a theory of expectations formation in which market participants both place too much weight on recent news and in some circumstances ignore tail risk.
We know from Tetlock, whose name does not appear in the index, that a good forecaster puts a lot of weight on baseline information–characteristics that are more universal and permanent. Inefficient forecasters instead tend to focus on information that is more recent and local. GS argue that financial market participants are inefficient forecasters.
So far, what I like about the book:
1. The writing is clear.
2. Years ago, I contrasted two classes of theories of the 2008 financial crisis. One I called “moral failure” and the other I called “cognitive failure.” The theory that GS builds falls within that latter class, which is the one on which I would place more weight.
3. GS take seriously data that comes from surveys of the expectations of market participants. They are not afraid to find fault with the rational expectations hypothesis.
What I don’t like:
GS use standard economic modeling methodology, as opposed to Bookstaber’s agent-based modeling. See my review of The End of Theory. In particular, I think that institutional details are important, and Bookstaber’s rich depiction of different classes of market participants is better than a standard mathematical model. Also, I don’t like the idea of collapsing divergent expectations into a single representative agent. Getting away from the representative-agent model is a point in favor of Frydman and Goldberg. Note that Bookstaber, Frydman, and Goldberg do not appear in the index, either.